HEALTH.....STUDY.......both of this aspects is very important.....yes of course if your health is not good how you want to i right????
It's been such a long time before i've the opportunity to updated my blog.....lots of things to settle....during the fasting health is not good....i've a sevre headache and when i'm going to ukm clinics...its show my blood preassure is increased.....ALLAH.....too much things to do and works...makes me stress......Dr. diagnosed me as pre-hypertension...he advice me to follow moderate lifestyle...means i've to take care of my health..(before this dn't have much time...but i've to make times)...WATCH MY DIET AND DO EXCERSICE......Today 24 October 2009. I've started my moderate my diet and do excersice...ALLAH please give a good health to me...I've to finished my phd.. at the end of next year DIS 2010...
Friday, October 23, 2009
Monday, August 3, 2009
New Techniques
Alhamdulillah, finally after a few days of thingking and reading, i finally finds my new techniques for user modelling which..a combination of stereotype um techniques, simple rule based Ai techniques and combination formula and probability Math...... this friday i will present to my supervisor and discuss about our research...hope this will help and accepted....thanks to my phd buddy sha who helps me in decision making.....3 hours we're arguing and talking about combination formula and why its suitable for my situation......
Today i'm going to talk to the principle of SMK jln reko.....hope everything is fine.........
Today i'm going to talk to the principle of SMK jln reko.....hope everything is fine.........
Monday, July 27, 2009
phd...oh phd

Being a phd student is not easy....time management is very important, mind managent also gives a bit contribution and self management is the foremost........playing with this and the success is yours. InsyaAllah...
A few months i've been struggle with fuzzy and being stuck in the middle at last after a long discussion with dr. zalinda who's the fuzzy expert in UKM, we decided that the fuzzy techniques is not suitable for my research. I've to change to other techniques and it's takes make about a months to search for the suitable and best techniques to represent the learning research is a bit tough.....with no data set to do data mining techniques as AI techniques which need a dataset.....and it's makes my mind spinning.......a bit conflict....i've talked to kak aya who's one of phd student she's said we are towards phd..because if its conflict its phd.....i'm just grinned and our conversation stops there....
Now i've to looked back and find the new's seems i've to step backward and do the LR for the techniques..the morale is if you try to come out with a test everything....find why you want to use it? where you can use it? then it's o.k...Please Allah gave me strength to overcome this problem......perform the mild usage first..... i've discussed with cta my phd buddy and we've talked about an hour to get my self esteems back and not feel down or give i'm not giving up cta...thanks for the advice buddy.....hope that we will struggle untl we reach the success........Phd.
My supervisor urge me to write to the journal...she said i've to be more then one things at one time....unfortunately i'm not like that...but i have to try and be multitasking while i'm searching for my new techniques, i've to write an article and do my mild test to my 1/2 finished system........i'm trying to be multitasking..... i'm trying...i'm trying dr.....
It's takes about 1 month to get consent from a ministry of education, state education depatment, district education depatment and school to do the research.....i've just wondering why it's take so much procedure and time for just only 4 hours research work....? They suppose to support the researcher like us......because our research is the contribution.....
All this thing comes at the same's makes me feel down.....and a bit i feel like quiting but after re thingking about others , sacrafice, and off course my gratitute to KPT...i've to take this as a challange...
during my way to UKM this morning, i've saw three birds walks happily and i've just said to my self....what a wonderfull situation they're having....and i'm just wondered what are their realtionship? how am i going to find out is through the research.......the techniques is experiemental and the findings is their relationship....then i've just realize how important the research are....research is the contribution......research is the way you find something.......and this makes me fell that my research is important and i've to finished it..........
A few months i've been struggle with fuzzy and being stuck in the middle at last after a long discussion with dr. zalinda who's the fuzzy expert in UKM, we decided that the fuzzy techniques is not suitable for my research. I've to change to other techniques and it's takes make about a months to search for the suitable and best techniques to represent the learning research is a bit tough.....with no data set to do data mining techniques as AI techniques which need a dataset.....and it's makes my mind spinning.......a bit conflict....i've talked to kak aya who's one of phd student she's said we are towards phd..because if its conflict its phd.....i'm just grinned and our conversation stops there....
Now i've to looked back and find the new's seems i've to step backward and do the LR for the techniques..the morale is if you try to come out with a test everything....find why you want to use it? where you can use it? then it's o.k...Please Allah gave me strength to overcome this problem......perform the mild usage first..... i've discussed with cta my phd buddy and we've talked about an hour to get my self esteems back and not feel down or give i'm not giving up cta...thanks for the advice buddy.....hope that we will struggle untl we reach the success........Phd.
My supervisor urge me to write to the journal...she said i've to be more then one things at one time....unfortunately i'm not like that...but i have to try and be multitasking while i'm searching for my new techniques, i've to write an article and do my mild test to my 1/2 finished system........i'm trying to be multitasking..... i'm trying...i'm trying dr.....
It's takes about 1 month to get consent from a ministry of education, state education depatment, district education depatment and school to do the research.....i've just wondering why it's take so much procedure and time for just only 4 hours research work....? They suppose to support the researcher like us......because our research is the contribution.....
All this thing comes at the same's makes me feel down.....and a bit i feel like quiting but after re thingking about others , sacrafice, and off course my gratitute to KPT...i've to take this as a challange...
during my way to UKM this morning, i've saw three birds walks happily and i've just said to my self....what a wonderfull situation they're having....and i'm just wondered what are their realtionship? how am i going to find out is through the research.......the techniques is experiemental and the findings is their relationship....then i've just realize how important the research are....research is the contribution......research is the way you find something.......and this makes me fell that my research is important and i've to finished it..........
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
A few days ago i did recieved an email from the v.dean, a lecturer and my beloved supervisor regarding the article : attached here:-
How to be a Terrible Graduate Student (Graeme Hirst)21 May 94 19:26:43 GMT------------------------------ - Come to graduate school only because it allows you to postpone yourentry to the real world.
- Assume that your advisor acts solely in their own best interests, andnever in yours.- Assume that your advisor (being more than 34 years old) doesn'tunderstand current research, and is not (and never was) as smart as youare.
- Never come to a meeting with your advisor prepared with an agenda ofthings you want to talk about, and never take notes during the discussion.(After all, little that your advisor says matters, and anyway, if it wereimportant you'd remember it.)
- Never take notes when you read a paper or book, or record any of yourideas in a research diary. (After all, if it were important, you'drememberit.) Corollary: It is not necessary to keep complete bibliographiccitationsfor anything that you read.
- Expect your advisor to give you a thesis topic and tell you exactly howto carry out the work, step by step. Corollary: If your thesis is notgoingwell, it's your advisor's fault, not yours.
- Regard any ideas that your advisor gives you for your thesis as yourown exclusive property, and present them to the world as if you alonethought of them.
- Frequently cancel meetings with your advisor, giving little notice (ornone at all), whenever there is the slightest excuse to do so.
- Assume that you can write up the final thesis in a month or two.
- Don't bother checking any of your results or proofreading anything youwrite; that's your advisor's job.
- Regard your graduate education as a 9-to-5 Monday-to-Friday job.
- Give the draft of your thesis to your advisor on a Friday, so that theycan read it over the weekend and give you feedback on Monday.
what's the motive of sending this article? to motivate student, to condemn student or to???????
for me yes i agree with this article but the supervisor also have the responsibility too towards the supervisee...... why
- supervisor should more alert to their supervisee, be fair and care about the supervisee
- try to spend a little time to entertained a student especially those who've already make an appointment
- be friendly and helpfull
- look interest on supervisee research and looking forward to finished it
- supportive
- reply an email sending by supervisee
- be a good listener
- be a good friends
- be a good educator (sure educate........)
- be a good facilitator
as you know we're still the student no matter how "old" we are and how "terrible" we are the responsibility to modeled us the be the "best and good student". That's why we are here......looking for knowledge and guide.............
How to be a Terrible Graduate Student (Graeme Hirst)21 May 94 19:26:43 GMT------------------------------ - Come to graduate school only because it allows you to postpone yourentry to the real world.
- Assume that your advisor acts solely in their own best interests, andnever in yours.- Assume that your advisor (being more than 34 years old) doesn'tunderstand current research, and is not (and never was) as smart as youare.
- Never come to a meeting with your advisor prepared with an agenda ofthings you want to talk about, and never take notes during the discussion.(After all, little that your advisor says matters, and anyway, if it wereimportant you'd remember it.)
- Never take notes when you read a paper or book, or record any of yourideas in a research diary. (After all, if it were important, you'drememberit.) Corollary: It is not necessary to keep complete bibliographiccitationsfor anything that you read.
- Expect your advisor to give you a thesis topic and tell you exactly howto carry out the work, step by step. Corollary: If your thesis is notgoingwell, it's your advisor's fault, not yours.
- Regard any ideas that your advisor gives you for your thesis as yourown exclusive property, and present them to the world as if you alonethought of them.
- Frequently cancel meetings with your advisor, giving little notice (ornone at all), whenever there is the slightest excuse to do so.
- Assume that you can write up the final thesis in a month or two.
- Don't bother checking any of your results or proofreading anything youwrite; that's your advisor's job.
- Regard your graduate education as a 9-to-5 Monday-to-Friday job.
- Give the draft of your thesis to your advisor on a Friday, so that theycan read it over the weekend and give you feedback on Monday.
what's the motive of sending this article? to motivate student, to condemn student or to???????
for me yes i agree with this article but the supervisor also have the responsibility too towards the supervisee...... why
- supervisor should more alert to their supervisee, be fair and care about the supervisee
- try to spend a little time to entertained a student especially those who've already make an appointment
- be friendly and helpfull
- look interest on supervisee research and looking forward to finished it
- supportive
- reply an email sending by supervisee
- be a good listener
- be a good friends
- be a good educator (sure educate........)
- be a good facilitator
as you know we're still the student no matter how "old" we are and how "terrible" we are the responsibility to modeled us the be the "best and good student". That's why we are here......looking for knowledge and guide.............
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Today i go to meet my examiner Dr. Shahrul during my proposal defence...because he's make a few question and problem that's i've to solve.....after a few discussion he said that my research is accepted and ask my to strictly focuss on my evaluation. So now i'm still developing my prototyping......Hope ALLAH will give me an idea to solve any problem arise duing my phd. research..and of course my health too......
Happy father's day to all phd male student......... as a student father hope that all of you managed to handle all your life.........
to my beloved husband MOHD. NASRI ABU SAMAH happy father's day to are the best father ever for our 6 kids........ we've celebrate it together with his birthday on 20th Jun as well as my youngest son Mohd. Firdaus who turns 3 this year. and thank you for being MR. MAMA throught out my studies years.......WE LOVE YOU VERY MUCH...
This year father's day also remind me of my late father ARWAH MOKHTAR IBRAHIM....... on 3rd June my family and i including my mother and sister visited his grave and we cited yassin and pray for him. May ALLAH bless him........ After 10 years.....we visited his grave not because we forget about him but..he's been buried in Damansara while we are in Kuantan...the distance..... makes us difficult to visit him oftenly.....but our pray will always be with him...
Talking about my late father..He's the biggest influent in my life....I really closed to him...when he died in 1990 (during my first year ni ITM recently known as Uitm) it's takes me about a week to accept the truth that he's died...a week i didn't consume click Kak Tim, Kak Bib and others who's really concern about me pursue me to eat.....Angah, always advise me to accept the facts.....
His spirits always with me....because of him i'm continue my study until phd....I remembered during my childhood he always tell me that nothing else, a treasurer or legacy he can left me except give me a chance of good education.. so i'm trying to make him give me the priceless treasure that may be he's never thingking of.....the highest level of education Phd. When i've been accepted to ITM he's the happiest father and i thank god that i've proof it to my father when he's still alive..I know that he's proud of me And I'm sure that if he know i'm taking Phd. he's already fullfill his duty..Thanks ALLAH for giving his and my dreams comes true.......
As a policeman my father is very strict person..he always said that do the right thing "Berani kerana Benar" that's is the motto that i've follow until now...... that's why when i'm working... i'm very concentrate and strict about my work....because the work is 'Amanah' from ALLAH.
He always express his frusteration towards people who not work hard for what they're doing... My late father is a bit strict but sometimes a jovial person....may be because of his carriers. He's an orphan. his mother died a few hour after delivering him..May be because of it makes him a though person......I really respect him and he's inspire me a lot........................
AL -FATIHAH to my late father...thanks for raising me and give me a priceless treasure ever....
to my beloved husband MOHD. NASRI ABU SAMAH happy father's day to are the best father ever for our 6 kids........ we've celebrate it together with his birthday on 20th Jun as well as my youngest son Mohd. Firdaus who turns 3 this year. and thank you for being MR. MAMA throught out my studies years.......WE LOVE YOU VERY MUCH...
This year father's day also remind me of my late father ARWAH MOKHTAR IBRAHIM....... on 3rd June my family and i including my mother and sister visited his grave and we cited yassin and pray for him. May ALLAH bless him........ After 10 years.....we visited his grave not because we forget about him but..he's been buried in Damansara while we are in Kuantan...the distance..... makes us difficult to visit him oftenly.....but our pray will always be with him...
Talking about my late father..He's the biggest influent in my life....I really closed to him...when he died in 1990 (during my first year ni ITM recently known as Uitm) it's takes me about a week to accept the truth that he's died...a week i didn't consume click Kak Tim, Kak Bib and others who's really concern about me pursue me to eat.....Angah, always advise me to accept the facts.....
His spirits always with me....because of him i'm continue my study until phd....I remembered during my childhood he always tell me that nothing else, a treasurer or legacy he can left me except give me a chance of good education.. so i'm trying to make him give me the priceless treasure that may be he's never thingking of.....the highest level of education Phd. When i've been accepted to ITM he's the happiest father and i thank god that i've proof it to my father when he's still alive..I know that he's proud of me And I'm sure that if he know i'm taking Phd. he's already fullfill his duty..Thanks ALLAH for giving his and my dreams comes true.......
As a policeman my father is very strict person..he always said that do the right thing "Berani kerana Benar" that's is the motto that i've follow until now...... that's why when i'm working... i'm very concentrate and strict about my work....because the work is 'Amanah' from ALLAH.
He always express his frusteration towards people who not work hard for what they're doing... My late father is a bit strict but sometimes a jovial person....may be because of his carriers. He's an orphan. his mother died a few hour after delivering him..May be because of it makes him a though person......I really respect him and he's inspire me a lot........................
AL -FATIHAH to my late father...thanks for raising me and give me a priceless treasure ever....
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Coming Back....after.....
Happy mother's day!!! during that time i'm having a usuall if i'm sick i'm just keep quiet and do my own things..... so that day begins with no meaning eventhough a day before we brought things at groceries and my daughters intend to prepare a meals for mother's day........... after consume a medicine i feel a bit o.k and my daughter asked me to taste the meals they've prepared for condition makes me tasteless...... i'm very thankful for my children who cooked for me during that day and that night they give me a bouquet of flower and musical cards... i don't know when they bought it and its nice the words is touching....... thanks i also loves you very much.... and mother's love is borderless.................................................................................
After recovered i came back to continue my research work..discussing with others and they said that my illness because of my worrieness towards my research..may be yess...after what i've facing during my defence....i felt really down...... but.....ALLAH gives me strenght to be strong through this tough ways...Yes... i admit that phd is Perjalanan Harungi Dugaan as my cliks CTA said about what is phd ? may be because phd student is normally married, have lots of responsibility and towards the ends of education.....any tiny miny itsy bitsy things will put in consideration and can be a big burden and problems to ....may be.....sometimes we struggle with our own mind thingking about our research and i realize that sometimes i felt like i just thingking about my self not my children sometimes i've to let them be by them self, don't have a time to talk about their problems at school and sometimes i forget to ask them about their homework..because my head is spinning thinking about my phd research..... and for this i thanks my husband and children for understand me....i'ts so touching when my 5 yrs old daughter ask me are u going to work today? (for her i'm working not studying) and sometimes i have to take a break and entertain them... and looks at my daughter grinn when i'm not going to faculty makes me feel soo..touching...Sometimes i just wondered my self am i take a right decision? But it's my dreams and and comes only that's why i'm here.
Pray to ALLAH is the key words of phd successfullness.....hope that ALLAH will make the esiest way for me to achieve my success.........
After recovered i came back to continue my research work..discussing with others and they said that my illness because of my worrieness towards my research..may be yess...after what i've facing during my defence....i felt really down...... but.....ALLAH gives me strenght to be strong through this tough ways...Yes... i admit that phd is Perjalanan Harungi Dugaan as my cliks CTA said about what is phd ? may be because phd student is normally married, have lots of responsibility and towards the ends of education.....any tiny miny itsy bitsy things will put in consideration and can be a big burden and problems to ....may be.....sometimes we struggle with our own mind thingking about our research and i realize that sometimes i felt like i just thingking about my self not my children sometimes i've to let them be by them self, don't have a time to talk about their problems at school and sometimes i forget to ask them about their homework..because my head is spinning thinking about my phd research..... and for this i thanks my husband and children for understand me....i'ts so touching when my 5 yrs old daughter ask me are u going to work today? (for her i'm working not studying) and sometimes i have to take a break and entertain them... and looks at my daughter grinn when i'm not going to faculty makes me feel soo..touching...Sometimes i just wondered my self am i take a right decision? But it's my dreams and and comes only that's why i'm here.
Pray to ALLAH is the key words of phd successfullness.....hope that ALLAH will make the esiest way for me to achieve my success.........
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Last Thursday, on 30th April...the moments that i've been waiting is finally arrived. My Defence Proposal Presentation..... i defence it to my internal examiner Dr. Shahrul Azman...well it's goes well and a few question is asked regarding my research...the critical comment made by my examiner is the techniques that i'm going to used and to specify my reseach because he saw may research is too broad....and my am i going to test my prototype? This two issue was arised by my examiner....well! the frusteration is from my own supervisor..She said that my proposal is loose and need tu strength it...i'm a bit shock because before i present it i've already show it to her and as usual she's no come she said it during my defence not before i defence it.....a few days after my defence i felt a bit frusterated with my supervisor...i don't know..what is the duty of a supervisor???? supervise or ...................
Even i still feel down but i will take it as a challenge....i want to meet her and set the things straight.... ALLAH please give me strength and do bless me towards my phd.......and not forget my hubby thanks for the morale supports............................
Even i still feel down but i will take it as a challenge....i want to meet her and set the things straight.... ALLAH please give me strength and do bless me towards my phd.......and not forget my hubby thanks for the morale supports............................
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Last Monday 13th April, i've presented my progress to my supervisor usual i've just present what's i'm doing and it's not surprisingly no comment...may be my supervisor just want to see my progrees after all i'm in her research group grantt...Well Alhamdulillah may be she's satisfy with my progress on schedule...but my problem is my computer is not compatible and i've to do it at home with no internet access.......
The fever,cough and flu is attacking all of my family.....from the first daughert until my last everybody have to be in bed during this few days...and i'm busing taking care of proposal presentation is coming soon..when i've to wait for the date meanwhile i've to stop my research and give my fully attention for my defence proposal day.....
a bit busy with my research and my personal life...
The fever,cough and flu is attacking all of my family.....from the first daughert until my last everybody have to be in bed during this few days...and i'm busing taking care of proposal presentation is coming soon..when i've to wait for the date meanwhile i've to stop my research and give my fully attention for my defence proposal day.....
a bit busy with my research and my personal life...
Tuesday, March 24, 2009

As days goes by my research and my knowledge of this research become more specific...and lots of thingking is spinning in me head...can i do this can this be implemented......its look easy but complicated to implement......PLEASE ALLAH give me idea to solve the problem....tomorrow i will attending the tutorial organized by knotis group and discuss a bit about my research... I' ve send 2 email to Peter Brusilovsky and Staffi Graff who's the famous name in adaptive web based educational system. AWBES=my topic.....I've get the quick reply from dr brusilovsky but dr Graff didn't reply my 2nd email (may be she busy..i really hope that she will reply my email) don't know..At this point my truly respect to dr peter brusilovsky because he's willing to help the amatur reseacher like me.....
THANK YOU DR..BRUSILOVSKY....your reply give me strenght to finished my research and be part of your discussion group regarding the matter...
Friday, February 27, 2009
Yesterday I'm joining the workshop organized by Dr. S and the person who incharge is Mrs. J....well as a student i'll always take the opportunity to enhance my knowledge and joining any courses organized by faculty.....
My supervisor told me and ili that we can join the workshop...because of the late information, we decided to join in the next session started at 10.30 a.m....during the session we can't follow the workshop because we don't have a mannual and i ask the instructor to give us the mannual but he just grin and lend us his mannual... in the end he ask me to ask the back person...i think his meaning mrs J....but during that time we didn't know who the person incharge....while we having our tea break on the evening.....mrs J just tall us that we are not registered and both of us shock and she told us that its over the limit of that package....she ask her who give us the permission to enter the workshop....feeling a little bit ambbarest i told her that my supervisor ask dr S and he the one who give us permission....well.....this is miscommunication.......and the next session i'm not joining the workshop because actually it's not related to my research......and i think it's not nice of me to join in without a permission.... well i think a little bit no manner on telling something to somebody.. I know she's a lecturer so am I...I'm also a lecturer i think if she can talk to us by approach us and tell the truth..its o.k ..I know i come here as a Phd. student..and for them a student is still a student even you're in the same boat(position) here. I hope when i came back tu my U and hold my phd lecturer status i will respect the student especially phd. student. I want to threat them like a friends not like a student.....but well organized off course..... today i'm going to install the software but the technician in level 3 didn't have it so i've to go to level 1 technician and they ask me to install it tomorrow....and my task is append a day....Please ALLAH give me strenght to finished my prototype on May....i've about 2 months more to finished my prototype...
My supervisor told me and ili that we can join the workshop...because of the late information, we decided to join in the next session started at 10.30 a.m....during the session we can't follow the workshop because we don't have a mannual and i ask the instructor to give us the mannual but he just grin and lend us his mannual... in the end he ask me to ask the back person...i think his meaning mrs J....but during that time we didn't know who the person incharge....while we having our tea break on the evening.....mrs J just tall us that we are not registered and both of us shock and she told us that its over the limit of that package....she ask her who give us the permission to enter the workshop....feeling a little bit ambbarest i told her that my supervisor ask dr S and he the one who give us permission....well.....this is miscommunication.......and the next session i'm not joining the workshop because actually it's not related to my research......and i think it's not nice of me to join in without a permission.... well i think a little bit no manner on telling something to somebody.. I know she's a lecturer so am I...I'm also a lecturer i think if she can talk to us by approach us and tell the truth..its o.k ..I know i come here as a Phd. student..and for them a student is still a student even you're in the same boat(position) here. I hope when i came back tu my U and hold my phd lecturer status i will respect the student especially phd. student. I want to threat them like a friends not like a student.....but well organized off course..... today i'm going to install the software but the technician in level 3 didn't have it so i've to go to level 1 technician and they ask me to install it tomorrow....and my task is append a day....Please ALLAH give me strenght to finished my prototype on May....i've about 2 months more to finished my prototype...
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Alhamdulillah, Thank You ALLAH
As I mention before my 2 sons is not 1st son is feeling a bit o.k after taking some medicine but not my 2nd son who 2 &1/2 years old. He's got a bad direa...every thing we put in his mouth will get out back...he's vomit until he don't have any on that saturday i went to policlinic in Bangi but no one there....Emergency ?room but no body there...and after that i went tu UKM clinic but they only entertained the accident i decided to take my son to nearest clinic. The doctor told me it's seem serious and put a medicine through my son anus and remind me if he still vomit just go to the hospital. After a few hour i tried to give him some milk (since he didn;t consume any thing within a day before)..but he vomit again..I'm so worried about his condition...ALLAH please help me...don't let something happen to my youngest son...I prayed to ALLAH....then we went to Kajang their emergency room...then i brought my son to see the doctor on call then he said because i've already see the doctor and i'm worried he will put a water into my son body...during that time a nurse try to chuckle my son but because of his condition he just lying there and just let what the nurse did to him...first the nurse put some medicine to his anus then the nurse inject his hand and get 2 inch of his blood (to blood test) and what he did just lying there..the nurse apprise him because he's a good boy...after that they put about 200ml water into that needle and my son is sleeping for 2 hour...In my heart i'm hoping that he's fine and will not be warded...after a few hour the nurse took the result of his blood test and show it to dr. Chan Jan Bon (May be his father is the big fan of James Bond) and he said that everything is ok. ALHAMDULILLAH....thank you ALLAH for answering my pray.......Now he is active again and can consume food back......
Friday, February 20, 2009
Friday the 20th....
Today, its not my day...early morning my two son vomitt ( both're not feeling very well), my nasi lemak is turn to nasi impit....,got head ache,...but I still have to do my work....have to finished my slide presentation for defence proposal which i don't know the date..and of course my research (finding learning style representation).....honesty I don't have a mood today since my two son is not well....but i've to fight get rid of my lazy mood and go on with my work.....Alhamdulillah I manage to finished my proposal power point presentation....even i'm worried about my sons but luckily my husband taking care of least it's release me...a bit...
I have to finished my the due date....pity for my family..have to sacrafice for me....cannot get much attention from me especially during a day and sometimes at night when l've to catch up with the due date....ALLAH ALMIGHTY PLEASE GIVE ME STRENGTH AND FULLFILL MY GOAL................................................................................................................................................. Mum I really miss U.....Hope after my nephew wedding I can bring her to BBB and stay with me for a while...I need all the support that I can get.
I have to finished my the due date....pity for my family..have to sacrafice for me....cannot get much attention from me especially during a day and sometimes at night when l've to catch up with the due date....ALLAH ALMIGHTY PLEASE GIVE ME STRENGTH AND FULLFILL MY GOAL................................................................................................................................................. Mum I really miss U.....Hope after my nephew wedding I can bring her to BBB and stay with me for a while...I need all the support that I can get.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Conference....ITC and Education 2&4 Februari 2009
I've come back from ipoh, for my ict phd student it's like a brain storming and experience changing betweel all scholar in univeristy around Malaysia. I'm very axcited to be part of it. But....some people didn't like to share their knowledge and experience....and some of them just make a conference as a join and going for a holiday (as normally the confence is being held in hotel)....that's not a good attitute as scholar we should take the opportunity to gain as much as we can and share the knowledge with others especially somebody in the same field in Malaysia. But it's not like that...this is my first conference that I've attended as a phd student and as a presenter.... i've already can see the picture hows schollar in Malaysia interact with each other...... during our lunch or break every body do their own business, talk to their clicks and i didn't see any of them try to talk to others and try get to know a new friends and change the experience.... I've try to break the ice by starting the conversation but....... some of them respon where as other just enjoying their meals.....that's human...... I think we should change the culture like a educated person we must take this opportunity to get as many friends as we can even with the first graduate as sometime they know the latest technology and we can share with them.
Another experience is during the presentation by's seem everybody absorb Q and A....(like our student)....are u sure no Q and A......???? If we ask or give our opinion about something it's doesn't shows that we try to be the best but we share what we know.....It's happen when a master student present her I'm always the one who ask?? (don't know either other participant didn't know about a topic or did'nt relize or didn't interested with the topic...) i've just hoping that somebody can fix her mistake...but unfortunately no body.... so i've to say something to correct her i'm afraid that others get a wrong information....after i corrected her then a few members in that session agree with me.... oh what a day??? how to change people......
But i'm really enjoy my conference as i can get lots of experience..........................................
i will upload my cd in my blog....
Another experience is during the presentation by's seem everybody absorb Q and A....(like our student)....are u sure no Q and A......???? If we ask or give our opinion about something it's doesn't shows that we try to be the best but we share what we know.....It's happen when a master student present her I'm always the one who ask?? (don't know either other participant didn't know about a topic or did'nt relize or didn't interested with the topic...) i've just hoping that somebody can fix her mistake...but unfortunately no body.... so i've to say something to correct her i'm afraid that others get a wrong information....after i corrected her then a few members in that session agree with me.... oh what a day??? how to change people......
But i'm really enjoy my conference as i can get lots of experience..........................................
i will upload my cd in my blog....
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Well..a few days more. Chinese New Year is coming..... UKM student's will take their mid term break as well as school holiday for a week. For me...this year is my struggle year and I cannot enjoy a holidays like others....have to produce a paper for journal submission, to do my prototyping and techniques development. I'm in my first stage of it...i've finished with my simple rule based and still continue with my fuzzy rule (in process of NLP).... This coming 3rd and 4th February, I'm going to present my paper at Conference held by UPSI in Casuarina Hotel, Ipoh. Hope Allah will give me strength to do the best. I will write about my experience there.. I still didn't present my proposal yet.....Still waiting and for the mean while I continuing my research.
Friday, January 2, 2009
It's not too late for me to wish everybody..... as my progress....spent my time with my family in kuantan for the whole 3 weeks what a day from 8/12 - 29/12 ... right now i'm struggling to finished my paper work to be submitted for in coming seminar in Ipoh. The closing date is this coming 5th January. InsyaAllah I will finish it........(Need ALLAH help for ideas)..... My proposal still in the air? My clicks can breathe at the moment.......they've done their proposal defence..but me until now i'm waiting for my day... I don't understand the management of Phd student here....who say what, when, why? depends to my supervisor, depends to research group leader or depends to PG's Unit? It's means I'm a little bit behind from my clicks.....WHY? I don't know....may be this happend to test more test?????. I've tried to surf any paperwork but get nothing.... after I get my phd I want to published my paperwork. I want help others to achieve their phd a bit easier.....ha ha ha...(frustration).
By the way today my 4th sons and eldest daughter be in their first day in school, as Standard 1 and form 1 student...Next week will be a little bit busier since every children will be back in school. I'm very happy that everybody my 2 daughter who in pekan and my with me...don't have to worry about them like a few month ago, where I'm here with my 4 children while my husband in kuantan with my 2 daughter. Now everybody gathered in Bangi...and off course after this I can do my research happily and quickly....Allah Wills.
By the way today my 4th sons and eldest daughter be in their first day in school, as Standard 1 and form 1 student...Next week will be a little bit busier since every children will be back in school. I'm very happy that everybody my 2 daughter who in pekan and my with me...don't have to worry about them like a few month ago, where I'm here with my 4 children while my husband in kuantan with my 2 daughter. Now everybody gathered in Bangi...and off course after this I can do my research happily and quickly....Allah Wills.
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