As days goes by my research and my knowledge of this research become more specific...and lots of thingking is spinning in me head...can i do this can this be implemented......its look easy but complicated to implement......PLEASE ALLAH give me idea to solve the problem....tomorrow i will attending the tutorial organized by knotis group and discuss a bit about my research... I' ve send 2 email to Peter Brusilovsky and Staffi Graff who's the famous name in adaptive web based educational system. AWBES=my topic.....I've get the quick reply from dr brusilovsky but dr Graff didn't reply my 2nd email (may be she busy..i really hope that she will reply my email) don't know..At this point my truly respect to dr peter brusilovsky because he's willing to help the amatur reseacher like me.....
THANK YOU DR..BRUSILOVSKY....your reply give me strenght to finished my research and be part of your discussion group regarding the matter...
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