Wednesday, July 1, 2009


A few days ago i did recieved an email from the v.dean, a lecturer and my beloved supervisor regarding the article : attached here:-

How to be a Terrible Graduate Student (Graeme Hirst)21 May 94 19:26:43 GMT------------------------------ - Come to graduate school only because it allows you to postpone yourentry to the real world.
- Assume that your advisor acts solely in their own best interests, andnever in yours.- Assume that your advisor (being more than 34 years old) doesn'tunderstand current research, and is not (and never was) as smart as youare.
- Never come to a meeting with your advisor prepared with an agenda ofthings you want to talk about, and never take notes during the discussion.(After all, little that your advisor says matters, and anyway, if it wereimportant you'd remember it.)
- Never take notes when you read a paper or book, or record any of yourideas in a research diary. (After all, if it were important, you'drememberit.) Corollary: It is not necessary to keep complete bibliographiccitationsfor anything that you read.
- Expect your advisor to give you a thesis topic and tell you exactly howto carry out the work, step by step. Corollary: If your thesis is notgoingwell, it's your advisor's fault, not yours.
- Regard any ideas that your advisor gives you for your thesis as yourown exclusive property, and present them to the world as if you alonethought of them.
- Frequently cancel meetings with your advisor, giving little notice (ornone at all), whenever there is the slightest excuse to do so.
- Assume that you can write up the final thesis in a month or two.
- Don't bother checking any of your results or proofreading anything youwrite; that's your advisor's job.
- Regard your graduate education as a 9-to-5 Monday-to-Friday job.
- Give the draft of your thesis to your advisor on a Friday, so that theycan read it over the weekend and give you feedback on Monday.

what's the motive of sending this article? to motivate student, to condemn student or to???????

for me yes i agree with this article but the supervisor also have the responsibility too towards the supervisee...... why

- supervisor should more alert to their supervisee, be fair and care about the supervisee
- try to spend a little time to entertained a student especially those who've already make an appointment
- be friendly and helpfull
- look interest on supervisee research and looking forward to finished it
- supportive
- reply an email sending by supervisee
- be a good listener
- be a good friends
- be a good educator (sure educate........)
- be a good facilitator

as you know we're still the student no matter how "old" we are and how "terrible" we are the responsibility to modeled us the be the "best and good student". That's why we are here......looking for knowledge and guide.............

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